Back GRECO calls for an overall anticorruption strategy and effective implementation of laws in Spain

GRECO calls for an overall anticorruption strategy and effective implementation of laws in Spain

In an evaluation report published today, the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) calls on Spain to develop a comprehensive anticorruption strategy, and to improve its legal framework to prevent corruption in top governmental functions and law enforcement agencies. This report was published together with a compliance report acknowledging Spain’s progress in the implementation of its recommendations on corruption prevention in respect of parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors, but also calling for further progress (see the Spanish versions of the report and the compliance report).

The report on corruption prevention among top executive functions of government and law enforcement agencies acknowledges that the Spanish authorities have made positive efforts in recent years to adopt and amend anticorruption laws and regulations; however, oversight and accountability are their weakest aspect. Currently, a wide gap exists between the legislation and its implementation in practice.

GRECO recommends making determined improvements on transparency and conflict of interest prevention for high ranking government officials, including political advisors – a category of persons which currently falls into a grey area. It also states that the independence, powers and resources of the Office for the Conflict of Interest (Oficina de Conflictos de Intereses) and the Council for Transparency and Good Governance (Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno) must be significantly upgraded

Group of States against Corruption Strasbourg 13 November 2019
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