Back Supreme Court of Slovenia wins Crystal Scales of Justice Prize

Supreme Court of Slovenia wins Crystal Scales of Justice Prize

The Supreme Court of Slovenia has just been rewarded for an initiative entitled “Improving the quality of justice” (IQ Justice) [videopowerpoint presentation]

The 2019 European Crystal Scales of Justice prize, organised by the Council of Europe and rewarding innovative judicial practices in the European judicial institutions, was awarded to the Slovenian Supreme Court on 25 October 2019 in Oslo (Norway), on the occasion of the flagship event of the European Day of Justice, in presence of Fredrik Bøckman Finstad, from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security of Norway, Ramin Gurbanov, President of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), Christophe Poirel, Director of Human Rights, Council of Europe, as well as of the members of the jury of the competition composed of eminent personalities from the judicial world.

The project “Improving the quality of justice” (in Slovenian, Izboljanje kakovosti sodstva) is a global project for the Slovenian justice with a wide range of innovative tools and methods, involving judicial staff, judges and court staff. The objectives of this project are multiple:

  • increase the quality of judicial activity;
  • increase the competence of judicial staff;
  • a better satisfaction of judicial staff and judges as well as better working conditions for them;
  • improve communication between judges for a better communication with court users and thus promote judicial self-governance;
  • increase the trust in judiciary.

Read full press release - The CEPEJ awards the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize to the Supreme Court of Slovenia

European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) Oslo (Norway) 25 October 2019
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