80th Anniversary of 2 August European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

2 August 2024 Auschwitz, Poland

Commemorative events have taken place in Poland on the occasion of European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day - 2 August to mark the 80th anniversary of the mass murder of the Roma and Sinti in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. The series of events were kicked-off with the international...

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Commemorating the Roma Holocaust: Council of Europe’s commitment to remembrance and history education

2 August 2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe marks the 80th anniversary of the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, commemorating the tragic events of 2 August 1944, when the last Roma and Sinti in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp were murdered. This commemoration is a poignant reminder of the atrocities...

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Why teaching Roma history – and the Roma Holocaust – is more important than ever

1 August 2024 Strasbourg

Ahead of the 80th anniversary of the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, 2 August, Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić, made the following statement:   “On the night of 2–3 August 1944, over 3,000 Roma women, men and children were exterminated in the gas chambers of the ‘Zigeunerlager’ at...

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The Council of Europe is part of the #ProtectTheFacts campaign

29 July 2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe is part of IHRA’s (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) #ProtectTheFacts campaign since January 2024. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the two organisations in 2010 setting out the framework of our cooperation. The European Commission, the OSCE...

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Deadline: Tuesday 23 July 2024

Training Opportunity for Roma and Travellers Organisations

8 July 2024

  The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) calls for the participation of civil society organisations in a mentoring scheme focusing on the Council of Europe standards and mechanisms for promoting Roma and Travellers rights. Organisations interested in the consultation mechanism of the Council of...

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Journalism Excellence Awards honour media professionals for ethical reporting in combating racism and antigypsyism

18 June 2024 Strasbourg

During the Council of Europe’s No Hate Speech Week, five media professionals earned Journalism Excellence Awards for their work on “Ethical Media Reporting on Roma and Combating Racism and Antigypsyism through the Media.” Organised under the EU-CoE Joint Programme EQUIROM (Equality and Freedom...

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Council of Europe study outlines recommendations to stop discrimination against Roma and Traveller communities in broadcasting

18 June 2024 Strasbourg

The study commissioned by the Council of Europe under the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme “Equality and Freedom from Discrimination for Roma” (EQUIROM) examines how the portrayal of Roma people in television broadcasting in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania too often...

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New report on role of Roma in Ukrainian war efforts and on post-war reconstruction

17 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

Roma people living in Ukraine are fighting on the front lines and in high numbers, many as volunteers, to defend the country against Russian aggression. This is the finding of a new report, Fighting for a Fairer Future: The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Roma and Lessons for Post-War...

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Council of Europe and European Union launch the Joint Programme “Roma Holocaust Remembrance and Education - RomaMemory”

11-12 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

A new Joint Programme of the European Union and Council of Europe “Roma Holocaust Remembrance and Education (RomaMemory”) officially started in May 2024 and will be implemented for the period of 24 months. The kick-off event will take place on 11-12 June 2024 in Strasbourg, during the 17th...

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From practice to policy and back: the INSCHOOL Final Conference concluding the project “Inclusive Schools: Making a difference for Roma children”

28 May 2024 Brussels, Belgium

Education, which stands as a fundamental right, has an important role in breaking down the poverty cycle for marginalised groups, including Roma. However, it can only be as effective if interlinked with other essential pillars of inclusion, such as employment, health, and housing. Therefore, the...

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