Επιστροφή European ministers adopt priority actions to enhance journalists’ safety and address AI’s impact on freedom of expression

European ministers adopt priority actions to enhance journalists’ safety and address AI’s impact on freedom of expression

European Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society have agreed to carry out a number of priority actions to tackle the most pressing challenges to freedom of expression, including the decline in the safety of journalists and the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and of massive digitalisation in the media and information environments on freedom of expression. At the conclusion of a Council of Europe Ministerial Conference held on 10 and 11 June, the Ministers adopted a Final Declaration and four resolutions covering areas where the Council of Europe will focus its efforts to protect freedom of expression in the next years: digital technologies, safety of journalists, the changing media and information environment, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on freedom of expression.

Jointly organised by the Council of Europe and the Cypriot government, the ministerial conference brought together over 40 ministers and State secretaries, and 350 participants from national governments, international organisations, civil society, media and academia.

Strasbourg 16 June 2021
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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights