Guidance Note on Content Moderation

20 September 2021 Strasbourg

A Guidance Note on Content Moderation was adopted by CDMSI at its 19th plenary meeting on 19-21 May 2021 and is available online for public authorities, media and private companies. The Note was elaborated by CDMSI’s Expert Committee of Experts on Freedom of Expression and Digital Technologies...

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Freedom of expression: report assesses the situation in 2018

2 May 2019 Strasbourg

A report, published today on the eve of World Press Freedom Day by the Council of Europe´s Information Society Department, maps out the major threats to freedom of expression in Europe in 2018 and the actions that governments should carry out to counter them as a matter of priority. The report...

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First self-evaluation report under the internet freedom recommendation submitted

5 July 2018

Following the adoption of the Internet Freedom Recommendation (CM/Rec(2016)5) in April 2016, which contains a recommendation to member states to share with the Council of Europe national reports on internet freedom based on a number of agreed indicators, a first such report was submitted on 5...

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights