Back Online course on combating trafficking in human beings: a new edition available on the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform

Online course on combating trafficking in human beings: a new edition available on the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform

A new edition of the online training course on combating trafficking in human beings has been published by the Council of Europe's European Human Rights Training Programme for Legal Professionals (HELP). The course is tailored to meet the learning needs of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, law enforcement officers and other professionals working on the identification and protection of victims of trafficking.

Initially developed in 2017, the course has been updated under the Council of Europe HELP Programme, with the involvement of leading anti-trafficking experts and in close co-operation with the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Division.

The course focuses on the Council of Europe standards, in particular the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and the guidance and recommendations of GRETA, the expert group set up to monitor the implementation of the Convention. At the same time, the course refers to other relevant international standards, includes resources developed by other international organisations and civil society, and presents promising examples from different countries of how human trafficking can be better confronted.

The updated course introduces new content, such as the impact of technology on human trafficking and the conduct of financial investigations. It also features the latest case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and examples of national courts case-law.

The course is freely available in self-learning format on the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform. The overall length of the new edition is approximatively 13 hours and those who complete it in self-learning format can obtain an electronic ‘Statement of accomplishment’.

 Council of Euope: HELP course on human trafficking

 Council of Europe: Action against trafficking in human beings (Newsroom)

Online 28 March 2023
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