Back First Steering Committee Meeting for the Project “Enhancing Social Human Rights in Armenia”

First Steering Committee Meeting for the Project “Enhancing Social Human Rights in Armenia”

On 24 May 2024 the Council of Europe held the first meeting of the Steering Committee for the project “Enhancing Social Human Rights in Armenia”.

This project focuses on empowering national authorities to harmonise policies and practices with European standards, ensuring proper protection and implementation of social rights. It also focuses on capacity development for staff from the Human Rights Defender's Office, civil society organisations and legal professionals to effectively implement and monitor adherence to social rights in line with the European Social Charter and the case-law of the European Committee on Social Rights.

The meeting was attended by the main project partners: representatives of the National Assembly of Armenia, the Ministry of Social and Labour Affairs of Armenia, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia, the Human Rights Defender’s Office of Armenia. The observers to the meeting were representatives from international organizations, such as UN Agencies (ILO, UNHCR), USAID, Action against Hunger, as well as CSOs.

The opening remarks were delivered by Margarita Galstyan, Head of Cooperation Unit of the Department of Social Rights, DG I, Council of Europe, Maxime Longangué, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan and Ms. Anna Zhamakochyan, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Armenia. They emphasized the project's importance in promoting social rights and enhancing decision-makers' awareness of European Social Charter procedures.

The Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee and the Work Plan for 2024-2025 were presented by the Project team and approved by the Steering Committee Members after the Question and Answers session.

The meeting was organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Enhancing Social Human Rights in Armenia.” The Project is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026

Strasbourg 31/05/2024
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