Back Civil society raises awareness on the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Armenia

Civil society raises awareness on the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Armenia

Three civil society organisation (CSOs) - Armavir Development Center  in Armavir province, Martuni Women’s Community Council in Gegharkunik province, and  Sose Women’s Issues in Syunik province - have completed communication and advocacy projects that ran from June 2023 to February 2024. These projects were selected under the call for proposals and funded by the Council of Europe project  Ending violence against women and promoting gender equality in Armenia - Gender Equality (

The projects aimed at raising awareness in the Armenian society about domestic and gender-based violence, the values, aims and provisions of the  Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). The campaigns were based on the methodology developed by the Council of Europe Gender Equality Division, Women Against Violence Europe Network (WAVE) and  UN Women.

The CSOs’ awareness-raising initiatives reached over 196 008 people through various communication channels, including social media, podcasts, printed materials, televised programs, and face-to-face interactions. Various stakeholders, including healthcare and education professionals, law enforcement officials, local authorities, community workers, activists, lawyers, domestic violence survivors, youth, and interested community members, highlighted the multiple impacts of the campaigns. They emphasised the need for improved laws and collaborative efforts to ensure women's safety and well-being.

A teacher from Armavir noted, "I used to have misconceptions about the Istanbul Convention, but after attending the seminar, I now understand its importance in protecting women's rights. I feel empowered to share this knowledge with others in my community."

 For more information

Yerevan, Armenia 22/05/2024
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