Back In 80 gestures around the world

The goal of this unit is to develop trainees awareness of the different meanings of body language across different cultures and how they can reduce the risk of possible misunderstandings that may affect relations when meeting people from different cultures.

Trainees develop critical thinking skills by evaluating awkward situations when people come into contact with foreigners, without knowing their culture, and understand the importance of being tolerant and open minded, in order to develop positive attitudes and respect towards other cultures. During the unit they develop a more positive view about diversity in the world and expand their knowledge of diversity.

The unit, developed within the Pestalozzi Programme, can be used at in-service training of teachers of Secondary education.

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To cite this resource: Kalnina, I. (2012). In 80 gestures around the world. Council of Europe, Pestalozzi Programme Training Units.

Intercultural Understanding and Diversity PDF
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