Back Students on the Internet: What issues? What meanings? What limits?

This training session, developed within the Pestalozzi Programme, is focused on secondary school students and the ways they exploit the possibilities provided by Web 2.0. The aim is for participating teachers to better understand teenagers’ habits when it comes to the powerful tools provided by the Internet. Students’ use of Web 2.0 is examined in relation to human rights in order to determine methods to introduce media literacy to students at school and to propose media education tools adapted to the students’ needs and interests. This means that teachers have to conceive strategies to convince participants of the educational community to be responsible in their use of Web 2.0 and make them aware that the internet is a space where human rights must be respected, just like anywhere else.

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To cite this resource:  Erotokritou, A. (2012). Students on the Internet: What issues? What meanings? What limits?. In Council of Europe Pestalozzi Programme Training Units.

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