PGG II: Women's Access to Justice: delivering on the Istanbul Convention and other European gender equality standards in the Eastern Partnership countries (2019-2022)

about the project

Member states of the Council of Europe have a legal obligation to ensure that all individuals in their jurisdiction have effective, available and efficient access to justice, that there is a system of remedies for victims and that the justice system is held accountable for any violation. Effective justice systems based on human rights standards, the rule of law and democratic values are central to enabling women to become equal partners in decision-making and development and to be informed participants in their societies.

This project, implemented under the Partnership for Good Governance (PGG), a joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe, aimed at strengthening access to justice for women, especially women victims of violence in line with the Council of Europe gender equality standards and contributing towards the Eastern Partnership countries ratification of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.

Project objectives:

  • Authorities, justice sector professionals, and civil society apply new competences on the standards on access to justice of the Istanbul Convention, in order to remove obstacles to access to justice.
  • Authorities, justice sector professionals and civil society introduce measures, including on training, to ensure that the justice chain is gender responsive, particularly for women victims of violence in line with the Istanbul Convention and other European standards.

The project complemented other Council of Europe projects in the region by contributing to the development of a gender sensitive justice system.


  1 January 2019 - 28 February 2023


The European Union


Academy of Justice of Armenia

Academy of Justice of Azerbaijan

Belarusian National Institute for the Qualification of Judges, Prosecutors and Legal Professionals

High School of Justice of Georgia and the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia

National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova

 National School of Judges of Ukraine and Prosecutors Training Centre of Ukraine

The project has additionally co-operated with different state institutions, non-governmental organisations and international organisations working in the field of gender equality and combating and preventing violence against women and domestic violence.


The project was implemented by

the Capacity Building and Co-operation Projects Unit at the Council of Europe's Gender Equality Division

Anca SANDESCU, Project Manager
Alla KRYTYNSKAIA, Project Assistant


Back Five steps to ensure women’s access to justice

Five steps to ensure women’s access to justice

Do you know how access to justice is linked to combating violence against women and sexism? Do you want to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic can offer an opportunity to radically rethink and reshape national approaches to access to justice and gender equality? Do you want to know how legal professionals can ensure substantive equality to women and men ? These questions are addressed in the report of the 2021 international conference on Women’s access to justice: moving closer to full ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

The report sets five crucial steps for decision makers on how to ensure women’s access to justice without discrimination and in full respect of Council of Europe gender equality:

  1. Improve training for law enforcement and legal personnel on women’s rights and access to justice, particularly on the impact of gender stereotyping and myths.
  2. Improve the capacity of justice systems to deal with women’s rights to adapt in times of crisis by improved resourcing and ensuring that jurisdictional, discriminatory, procedural and evidentiary deficiencies are removed.
  3. Ensure that civil society organisations are seen as a primary partner in the justice chain and as crucial in facilitating the empowerment of women.
  4. Ensure a survivor-centred focus in the legal and policy response to victims of gender-based violence.
  5. Boost levels of women’s participation in justice delivery by supporting women’s law networks and reforming legal admission and appointment.

The report’s foundation is that “equal access to justice is a fundamental right… enshrined in both the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter”. A right that every Council of Europe member State is obliged to ensure.

The International conference was part of activities organised under the joint EU-Council of Europe Programme “Partnership for Good Governance II” in the framework of the regional project on “Women’s Access to Justice: delivering on the Istanbul Convention and other European gender equality standards” in the Eastern Partnership countries.


Related links

 Report of the International Conference "Women’s Access to Justice: moving closer to full ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention” ENG

 Project PGG II: Women's Access to Justice

 Partnership for Good Governance II

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 Report of the International Conference "Women’s Access to Justice: moving closer to full ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention” ENG

 Report of the online roundtable on "Framework to measure access to justice including specific challenges facing women" ENG / ARM / AZE / GEO ROM / RUS / UKR

 Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming Law Schools' Curricula ENG / ARM / AZE / GEO / ROM / RUS / UKR

 Guide for developing a mentoring programme on Women's Access to Justice for legal professionals ENG / ARM / AZE / GEO / ROM / RUS / UKR

 Guidance Note - Framework for measuring access to justice including specific challenges facing women - UN Women - Council of Europe  (2016) ENG / ARM / AZE / GEO / ROM / RUS / UKR

 Women's access to justice: a Guide for Legal Practitioners ENG / FR / ARM / AZE / GEO / ROM / RUS / UKR

 Training Manual for Judges and Prosecutors on Ensuring Women’s Access to Justice consists of a general part, and is accompanied by four country chapters available in English and the respective language of each country ENG / ARM / GEO / ROM / RUS / UKR

  • Country Chapter for Armenia ARM / ENG
  • Country Chapter for Georgia GEO / ENG
  • Country Chapter for the Republic of Moldova ROM / ENG
  • Country Chapter for Ukraine UKR / ENG

 Country Studies on Barriers, Remedies and Good Practices for Women’s Access to Justice in Armenia, in Azerbaijan, in Georgia, in Moldova and Ukraine ARM / AZE / GEO/ ROM / UKR

Feasibility Study on Equal Access of Women to Justice ENG


PGG (2015-2018) Project Translations

European Court of Human Rights Factsheet on Domestic Violence ARM / AZE / GEO / RUS / UKR

European Court of Human Rights Factsheet on Violence against Women ARM / AZE / GEO / RUS / UKR

Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) in other languages ARM / GEO / ROM / RUS / UKR and its explanatory report AZE / RUS

Feedback report on gender mainstreaming in the Swedish Courts ENG

 HELP course on Access to Justice for Women


Interactive online tool