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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : NA See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Jordan Government is committed to enhance its cyber security and, with the publication of its National Information Assurance and Cyber Security Strategy (NIACSS) in 2012, to set out its priorities for cyber security for Government, business and citizens. A National Cyber Security Strategy was adopted in 2018, that needs to establish two new structures: the National Cybersecurity Council and National Center for Cybersecurity.

Specialised institutions

Within the Public Security Directorate there is a cybercrime unit, competent for all police investigations related to cybercrime. 

Within the Prosecution, there is a specialized Cybercrime Office, with the scope to coordinate all the activities of the prosecutors, nationwide. There is no such structure for judges.

Furthermore, every judge goes through a qualification program of two years in the Judicial Institute. This training program includes cybercrime courses to be used for training of future judges. The institute provides courses on cybercrime.

In 2018, a National Centre for Cyber Security was established.

Jurisprudence/case law

There are a few cases on cybercrime in Jordan, however they are not published on the courts website. 

Sources and links

Tools on Cybercrime & Electronic Evidence Empowering You!

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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