Back European Qualifications Passport for Refugees: From theory to practice – newly trained credential evaluators start evaluating refugees’ qualifications

European Qualifications Passport for Refugees: From theory to practice – newly trained credential evaluators start evaluating refugees’ qualifications

Implemented by the Council of Europe since 2017, the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR) helps refugees rebuild their lives in their host countries by giving them the opportunity to have their qualifications assessed even in the absence of full documentation.

To do so, the EQPR methodology is based on a self-assessment questionnaire completed by the refugee and a structured interview. The interview is conducted by a team of two credentials evaluators from different ENICs (national information centre on recognition), at least one of whom has expert knowledge of the language and education system of the country from which the applicant claims to have his/her qualification.

The EQPR is a tool that was developed to help member States to address the challenges brought by the refugee crisis, by building the capacity for the sustainable response to the possible crisis situations in the future.

Thanks to its tested and credible methodology, EQPR has been able to quickly adapt to the recent crises (COVID-19, the situation with the refugees from Afghanistan in 2021 and quick response to support people fleeing from the war in Ukraine). Specific guidelines and modules concerning the recognition of credentials of refugees coming from Afghanistan and Ukraine have been developed and inserted in its regular trainings.

31 credential evaluators from 15 national recognition centres partners in the EQPR completed the training on the EQPR methodology held in Strasbourg from 28 to 30 March 2023. In addition to completing the training, they also put into practice the knowledge gained by participating in online assessment of refugees’ qualifications. Indeed, 18 refugees have had their qualifications assessed and the result of the assessments will be known in the first weeks of April.

The EQPR aims at helping its holders to continue their studies or find relevant jobs in their new host countries.

For more information on the EQPR, please visit the Project Webpage.

Strasbourg 30 March 2023
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