1974 - Mâcon

The Mâcon townMâcon is a French town in the Saône-et-Loire department of Burgundy. A town steeped in history, it long distinguished itself as a border town. Firmly set on both river banks, with fine amber-hued masonry and Burgundian style timbering, it also retains a bucolic spirit thanks to its legendary vineyards.

Everything began with Neustadt an der Weinstrasse. In the early 1950’s some fifty men of courage and vision, defying a part of public opinion, ventured to have closer ties with Germany and concluded a twinning agreement in 1956. Since then, Macon has twinned with Alcazar de San Juan (Spain), Crewe and Nantwich (United Kingdom), Eger (Hungary), Lecco (Italy), Macon in Georgia (United States), Pori (Finland) and Santo Tirso (Portugal).   

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