Atrás Reflection workshop on the harmonisation of the Libyan legislative and institutional framework with international standards on the protection of personal data

Reflection workshop on the harmonisation of the Libyan legislative and institutional framework with international standards on the protection of personal data

Within the framework of the joint program between the European Union and the Council of Europe entitled "Protecting human rights, rule of law and democracy through shared standards in the Southern Mediterranean" (South Programme V), the Council of Europe, the Libyan National Council for Fundamental Freedoms and the Libyan parliament organised a reflection workshop to assess Libya's needs in terms of personal data protection. The participants and the experts developed a draft operational action plan for the evaluation of personal data.

This reflection workshop was also an opportunity to present the joint programme supporting the activity, which is in its fifth phase and is known as “South V Program”, intended for the southern Mediterranean countries, and more particularly its component relating to the protection of personal data, which aims to create a common legal space between Europe and the South Mediterranean region and provide support to the governments to promote regulations in line with the international standards guaranteed by Convention 108 +.

Tunis 9 – 10 October 2023
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We currently implement co-operation in several countries and under different programmes:


Besides the support given to countries in the framework of broader programmes, the Council of Europe provides to countries around the world assistance in developing their legal framework on data protection upon request. Currently, in collaboration with the Glacy+ EU/CoE joint programme, we are working with