Atrás Statement by Marija Pejčinović Burić on judicial reform in the Republic of Moldova

Statement by Marija Pejčinović Burić on judicial reform in the Republic of Moldova

In December 2019, I met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Ion Chicu. We agreed that Council of Europe experts would visit Chisinau with a view to offering our assistance towards reforms needed to create an independent, accountable, efficient and professional judiciary for the Republic of Moldova.

On 20 and 21 January, a Council of Europe delegation held fruitful exchanges with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Speaker of Parliament, the Parliamentary Legal Committee on appointments and immunities, the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor General, the Superior Councils of the Magistracy and of Prosecutors, the National Institute of Justice, serving judges - including from the Supreme Court - and civil society organisations.

Our experts concluded that a clear strategic concept for the desired changes should be drawn up as the basis for the work to follow, including at the legislative level. This concept should have the active support of all stakeholders and reflect the country’s obligations as a Council of Europe member State. The concept should provide a proper strategic vision for the planned reforms and be based on a thorough needs assessment justifying and explaining the legislative and policy initiatives that are to follow. The institutions concerned will have to work together constructively and without haste to achieve these important goals.

Secretary General Strasbourg 22 January 2020
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