Atzealdea Culture is the basis of community sustainable development


Policy for promoting inclusive participation through culture, to encourage a tolerant society and to develop moral principles of common life in an intercultural environment through creative self-expression, exchange of experience and mutual understanding through culture between different members of the community regardless of their origin, religion, gender or social status.


Lutsk citywide cultural and artistic events have become the platform for interaction and inclusive participation for Lutsk residents.


The Policy includes the creation of artistic platforms for interaction between different groups of the population and individual citizens such as: representatives of ethnic groups and different religions of Lutsk, internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the East of Ukraine and Lutsk citizens, children, youth and elderly people. The Policy encourages cooperation between NGOs and local authorities, the social integration of children and youth with disabilities, international cooperation and cultural exchanges.

Events include: "Christmas in Lutsk" and "Easter in Lutsk" Ethno-Festivals, art projects "Christmas workshop" and "Easter workshop", "CULTUREfest" Youth Festival and the Youth Day with the participation of foreign students, "Hostyny na Veresnevomu" Festival with the participation of Roma community members, Europe Days in Lutsk, days of local cultures etc. The city authorities hold regular thematic meetings and round tables with the participation of representatives of the local national-cultural associations, IDPs and NGOs. The Department for Culture, which is directly responsible for the implementation of this Policy, initiates free master classes, exhibitions and fairs for folk crafts products, provides administrative, consulting and organizational support to cultural projects by IDPs, national minorities and NGOs.

The most striking outcome of the Policy is “Palette of Cultures” Intercultural Festival. Representatives of all nationalities living in Lutsk, children, young people and the older generation, as well as IDPs participate in this festival. The participants present their national identity and cultural heritage including traditional songs, dances, musical instruments, clothes, household items, craft products, and national dishes.

All citywide events include the participation of Volyn Council of Churches, the religious organization of representatives of all Christian confessions in the Volyn region. It organizes joint religious and cultural events, such as the "500 Years of Reformation", "God is rich in mercy" Charity Concert, an interconfessional celebration of the Bible.

The older generation is also an active part of the community through participation in the city’s cultural life. Four choral groups of veterans have been created and perform in Lutsk. There are universities of the Third Age and a club of veterans of war and labour "Restless hearts". The "Accessible cinema for pensioners" project has also been launched.

Children and youth with disabilities are encouraged to participate in cultural life through the implementation of social projects such as "Children of the Sun. One day at work" which provides young people with Down syndrome with an internship in different institutions, including cultural ones; the children’s festival "Special Baby has Special Talent"; the "ChildrenKinofest" film festival etc.

The Anti-cafe "Innerspace", created by a family of settlers from the East, has become an area for inclusive participation and cultural expression for all Lutsk residents and city guests. "Innerspace" is a place where many socially useful activities take place, such as exhibitions, concerts, parties, master classes for adults and children, art therapy.

The Lutsk Castle serves as a centre of intercultural dialogue and interaction, offering a public space for all nationalities and ethnicities living in the city and aiming to unite people by drawing attention to their common history. In addition to cultural events, discussions on historic themes are held regularly, in which historians and representatives of national minorities take part, informing locals about the intercultural history of the city as each ethnic group has contributed to its development.

The city authorities are interested in expanding the international participation of Lutsk through cultural diplomacy. The best platforms to date for exchanging experience and finding partners in different fields of culture have been: the "Polissia Summer with Folklore" festival, the "Mandrivnyi Vishak" theatre festival, the poetry festival "MERIDIANLUTSK", the "Chopin Spring" pianists competition, the "Art Jazz Cooperation", the "Stravinsky and Ukraine" festival, the "Music Beyond Borders" art project, the "Night at Lutsk Castle" intercultural art-show,  and many others. In turn, local creative groups successfully represent Ukrainian culture abroad.

Follow-ups for further Policy implementation are: improving existing platforms for inclusive participation, the creation of an Intercultural Centre to bring together representatives of all Lutsk cultures, improving conditions for intercultural mixing by modernizing cultural institutions and public spaces, and further expanding the international partner network of Lutsk.

The Policy is implemented by Lutsk cultural institutions and other public organisations. Besides the Department for Culture, the main activities and projects within this Policy are carried out by the following executive bodies of Lutsk City Council: the Department of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth, the Department for Family, Youth and Sports, the Department for Education, the Department for Tourism and City Promotion. Projects within the policy are often organised by the Volyn Regional Scientific Library named by Olena Pchilka, Lutsk City Employment Centre, national cultural societies, NGOs such as: "Stendal", "Garmyder", "Settlers from Crimea and Donbas", anti-cafe "Innerspace", Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Volyn Youth Centre, Centre for Children and Youth Creativity "Dyvo". Local entrepreneurs often sponsor events.


The impact of the Policy implementation can be seen in the following indicators:

  • the level of positive acceptation of Roma community representatives is increasing;

the number of conflicts between representatives of different ethnic groups, religions and races is reducing;

  • the majority of Lutsk inhabitants have overcome stereotypes about residents from eastern Ukraine;
  • the pace of integration of internally displaced people into the community is accelerating;
  • the number of people interested in the city’s cultural life is increasing;
  • every activity increases the number of Lutsk’s international partners and the international visibility of the city;
  • the number of joint cultural projects organized by Lutsk NGOs and national minorities with the support of city authorities is increasing.

Key reference documents: For more information on activities and outcomes

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