The High-Level Conference on the European Social Charter is organised as part of the follow-up to the 4th Summit of the Council of Europe, as a step for the member States to take further commitments under the Charter. The Conference is organised under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers and will be hosted in Vilnius by the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the Minister of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania.

The High-Level Conference will bring together Ministers and high-level officials competent in the field of social rights and social policy, representatives of Council of Europe entities, including the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, the Commissioner for Human Rights, and the European Court of Human Rights. Other expected participants include representatives from the European Union, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, ILO, UN, etc., as well as civil society, social partners, academia, and National Human Rights Institutions and Equality Bodies or their pan-European networks. The members of the European Committee of Social Rights and the Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter and the European Code of Social Security will also participate in the Conference.

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Welcome speeches

Opening of the Conference

This session will assert the importance of social rights (and hence of the Charter) through the lens of contemporary societal challenges. Topical questions could include rising inequality, the future of work and industrial relations, digitalisation, artificial intelligence, as well as human dignity and the gender pay gap, poverty and the cost-of-living crisis, youth rights, climate change, etc.

Statements by heads of national delegations / Exchange of views;

Responses from other stakeholders (Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank, youth, academia, …).

This session will discuss the importance of the Charter, its implementation and effectiveness. It will also permit to reaffirm the importance of social justice and the value of the Charter system as a means to respond to the erosion of social rights and prevent democratic backsliding. Participants will be able to share their experience and express support for the monitoring arrangements under the Charter, in particular the collective complaints procedure, as good democratic governance tools assisting national authorities in policy shaping.

This session will analyse the state of implementation of the reform of the Charter system and reflect on ways to further increase its relevance and impact. It will offer participants the opportunity to express their views about the means to reinforce the Council of Europe response, embodied in the European Social Charter, and how to preserve its pertinence and impact in the future. They will be able to discuss the desirability or opportunity of introducing new rights and other longer-term substantive or procedural issues that the reform process did not fully address.

Statements by heads of national delegations / Exchange of views

Responses from other stakeholders (international organisations - CESCR, CCJ, civil society, …)

This session will allow a few heads of national delegations to express and explain their support for the Political Declaration of the Conference and for future activities and developments intended to strengthen the Council of Europe response in the area of social rights and the European Social Charter.

Introduction of the session by the Moderator : Mr Vytautas Šilinskas, Minister of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania

Statements by heads of national delegations / Exchange of views

Interventions by other stakeholders (PACE, EC, UN, …)

Adoption of a Political Declaration by the Ministers and high-level officials