Voltar #iorispetto: active citizenship against discrimination


#IORISPETTO promoted society, young people and students’ awareness of a culture of human rights and the principles of fairness and justice, together with an understanding of the mechanisms of interpersonal and media communication that allow to overcome discrimination and hate speeches.


In 2018 the ICC cities of Milan, Palermo and Turin, together with Albano Laziale and with the technical support of ICEI, AMMI, Amnesty International, and COREP - Consortium for Research and Lifelong Learning Turin, have launched the project #iorispetto (I respect). The project promotes civic awareness and active empowerment oriented towards the realization of a more inclusive society.


The project methodology combines training for teachers, intercultural mediators and volunteers; workshop and labs in schools; and finally, the launch of initiatives of active citizenship, with the use of participatory methodologies and the involvement of all realities present at local level.

In addition, the project implements the Council of Europe Anti-rumor strategy in the 4 target cities (Turin, Milan, Albano Laziale, Palermo), a methodology to combat the spread of unfounded, intolerant and discriminatory rumours and prejudices.

In each city, classes promoted specific activities taking into account the context and the needs of each class group.

With respect to the creative methodologies proposed to convey the anti-rumours approach, each of the 4 reference cities adopted its own strategy. By way of example, the following final products were realised:

  • A video-haiku starting from poems written by the boys and girls involved in a class in Milan.
  • A comic strip entirely designed by a class in Palermo.
  • A "rumours wheel" to encourage moments of confrontation on diversity and promote opportunities for positive interactions, following experimentation in other European cities (Albano Laziale).
  • "Talking t-shirts" with slogans and questions devised directly by the students to investigate their perception of themselves and of the other in the form of questions, following an in-depth course on the use of words and the effect of prejudices on us (Turin).
  • Various types of anti-rumours installations through street art (Milan).

The project experience was systematised in a handbook, which presents the process, tools and methodologies for the application of the anti-rumours strategy within the school context.


Key reference documentsManual on the anti-rumours strategy at school

March 2018 until 31 August 2019
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