Назад Rights of people with disabilities: Council of Europe concludes that France violated the European Social Charter

Rights of people with disabilities: Council of Europe concludes that France violated the European Social Charter

In a decision made public on 17 April the European Committee on Social Rights of the Council of Europe (ECSR) concludes that there is a violation by France of the European Social Charter because of the failure of the authorities to adopt effective measures within a reasonable timeframe with regard to the access to social support services and to financial support, the accessibility of buildings, facilities and public transport, as well as to develop and adopt a coordinated policy for social integration and participation in the life of the community by persons with disabilities (Article 15§3).

The Committee also concludes there has been a violation of the Charter because of the failure of the authorities to adopt effective measures to remedy the problems related to the inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in mainstream schools (Article 15§1) and to access to health care services for persons with disabilities (Article 11§1). In addition, there is a violation of Article 16 on the ground that the shortage of support services and the lack of accessibility of buildings and facilities, as well as public transport, causes many families to live in precarious circumstances, and thus amounts to a lack of protection of the family.

This decision follows a complaint (n°168/2018) introduced by the European Disability Forum and Inclusion Europe against France.

 More information

 France and the European Social Charter


Council of Europe Strasbourg 17 April 2023
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