What is the project?

The European Union - Council of Europe Joint Project “Improving the juvenile justice system and strengthening the education and training of penitentiary staff" aims to support the Slovenian authorities in their efforts to improve the juvenile justice and penitentiary systems in line with the latest European and international standards and good practices. 

The project responds to the objectives set in the 2020 European Semester Country Report for Slovenia through country-specific recommendations in relation to improving the efficiency and the quality of justice, including by reducing the backlog in criminal courts and the average length of time of criminal proceedings.

The project consists of two components and is implemented transversally and jointly by the Council of Europe's Children's Rights Division, Directorate General of Democracy (Component I), and by the Law Co-operation Unit, Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (Component II):

  • Component I: reform of the juvenile justice system - aims at supporting the Slovenian authorities to pursue a comprehensive review of the national legal framework on juvenile justice, in order to harmonise it with the latest European and international standards and good practices.
  • Component II: reform of the penitentiary system and human resources of penitentiary staff - aims at improving the penitentiary system through enhanced training capacities of the prison administration and better human resources policy applied to the prison staff by the Slovenian Prison Administration.

The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission, over a period of 28 months (1 September 2021 - 31 December 2023).

 Project news

 What do we aim to achieve?

 What are the main project deliverables?

National Research and Gap Analysis (English)

International Research and Gap Analysis (English and Slovenian)

Case Law analysis (English and Slovenian)

Comparative Study of European Standards and promising practices (English and Slovenian)

Roadmap for the implementation of recommendations (English and Slovenian)

 Who will benefit from the project?

  • The Directorate for Criminal Law and Human Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia;
  • Justice professionals;
  • Children in conflict with the law and society at large (or general public) as final beneficiaries.

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