Nazaj Russian Federation requested to submit a special report on the protection against sexual exploitation and abuse of Ukrainian children unlawfully transferred or deported to its territory or areas temporarily controlled or occupied by it

Lanzarote Committee
©Council of Europe - Illustration: Lotte Klaver

©Council of Europe - Illustration: Lotte Klaver

Children who have been unlawfully transferred or deported to the Russian Federation or to the areas temporarily controlled or occupied by the Russian Federation find themselves in an extremely vulnerable situation potentially exposing them to increased risk of being sexually abused.

At its 38th meeting (30 May - 2 June 2023), the Committee of the Parties (Lanzarote Committee) to the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (Lanzarote Convention) decided to address questions to the Russian Federation, which remains a party to the Lanzarote Convention.* Under rule 28 of its Rules of Procedure, on Special Reports and urgent situations, the Lanzarote Committee may request the urgent submission of a special report concerning measures taken to prevent possible serious or persistent cases of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse against children in any Party or Parties to the Convention.

The Lanzarote Committee recalled the grave concern expressed by the Heads of State and Government at the 4th Council of Europe Summit in Reykjavik on 16 -17 May 2023 regarding, inter alia, reports of “sexual abuse of children, unlawful transfers and deportation of Ukrainian children by Russian forces to the Russian Federation […] or to the areas temporarily controlled or occupied by the Russian Federation and their forcible placement under custody or adoption by Russian citizens” and their commitment to support “the Ukrainian authorities to ensure the immediate return to Ukraine of children who have been unlawfully transferred and deported from Ukraine to the Russian Federation […] or to the areas temporarily controlled or occupied by the Russian Federation”;

Given the particular risks faced by these children and their extremely vulnerable situation, the Lanzarote Committee has requested the Russian Federation respond by 10 July 2023.

The Lanzarote Committee also recalled its Statement on protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse resulting from the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine which was adopted on 10 March 2022.

* The Lanzarote Convention is open to ratification by any State worldwide, including States that are not members of the Council of Europe.


 Urgent questions to the Russian Federation

Strasbourg 12 June 2023
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