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Retour Ipolytarnóc Fossils Protected Area

Ipolytarnóc Fossils Protected Area

Ipolytarnóc Fossils is above all a paleontological site of major importance, originating in a volcanic eruption which, as in the case of Pompeii, buried under ash what are now petrified trees, animal fossils, other trace fossils, leaf imprints etc. This disaster occurred, according to the newest dating, some 17 million years ago. The site obtained state protection in 1944: it is a favourite geotourism centre now showing in situ sheltered excavation areas. The first documented scientific exploration started in 1836 there. Since 1986 guided tours provide geoheritage interpretation for the public on the main geological study trail. Ipolytarnóc Fossils is the main gateway to the world’s first transborder geopark, the Slovak-Hungarian Novohrad-Nógrád UNESCO Global Geopark. The Bükk National Park Directorate manages the site, safeguarding its famous natural assets. To raise public awareness and maintain controlled tourism the Directorate has established several study paths and a Visitor Centre at the buffer zone of the site.


Ipolytarnoc Fossils Nature Conservation Area
H- 3138 Ipolytarnoc Pf.1.

 +36 32 454 188

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Experts reports following PE-S-ZP(95)51
Other reports  
2013 annual report 25/11/2013
2014 annual report 14/12/2014
2015 annual report 27/11/2015
2016 annual report 29/11/2016
2017 annual report 30/11/2017
2018 annual report 11/01/2019
2019 annual report 09/12/2019
2020 annual report     07/12/2020
2021 annual report  07/12/2021
2022 annual report  14/12/2022
2023 annual report 14/12/2023
Next visit 2029
Award date: 11.09.95
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