Retour 3rd Joint Bern Convention - CMS Meeting on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Wild Birds


Meeting Report and List of Participants


Agenda and Schedule

Working documents

  • Updated Assessment of the 2nd National Scoreboard Reporting (10-05-2021) - T-PVS(2021)05
  • CMS Secretariat: overview POW 2016-2020 - UNEP/CMS/MIKT4/Doc.5.1.a and UNEP/CMS/MIKT4/Doc.5.1.b
  • Compilation of national reports on progress related to the implementation of the MIKT PoW 2016-2020 and the Bern Convention Tunis Action Plan 2013-2020 - T-PVS/Inf(2021)18 
  • Overview of the work of the BirdLife International Partnership against IKB - T-PVS/Inf(2021)23
  • Consideration of options for future reporting in the framework of the Rome Strategic Plan - T-PVS/Inf(2021)19
  • MIKT Workplan Draft 2021-2025 - UNEP/CMS/MIKT4/Doc.6
  • Discussion paper on the baseline and methodology for assessing progress toward achieving the Rome Strategic Plan 2020-2030 - T-PVS/Inf(2021)20
  • Considerations for the Way Forward on Preparing a Format and Guidance for the Development and Implementation of National IKB Action Plans - T-PVS/Inf(2021)25

Information documents

  • LIFE Nature Guardians Report: The economic valuation of crimes against protected animal species (April 2021) - T-PVS/Inf(2021)24
  • Draft revised format and guidelines for AEWA International Single and Multi-species Action Plans - T-PVS/Inf(2021)27
  • BirdLife Guidance on IKB NAPs - T-PVS/Inf(2021)26

Background documents

  • Scoreboard to Assess the Progress in Combating Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Wild Birds (IKB) - Recommendation no. 196 (2017)
  • Assessment of the 1st National Scoreboard Reporting - T-PVS/Inf(2019)10
  • MIKT POW 2016-2020 - UNEP/CMS/MIKT4/Inf.3
  • Bern Convention Tunis Action Plan 2013-2020 - Recommendation No. 164 (2013)
  • Recommendation No. 205 (2019) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 6 December 2019, on the Rome Strategic Plan 2020-2030 for the eradication of illegal killing, trapping and trade of wild birds
  • Rome Strategic Plan, 2020-2030 on Eradicating Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade in Wild Birds in Europe and the Mediterranean region - T-PVS(2019)3rev
  • Recommendation No. 171 (2014) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 5 December 2014, on the setting-up of national policing/investigation priorities to tackle illegal killing, trapping and trade of wild birds
  • Recommendation No. 177 (2015) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 4 December 2015, on the gravity factors and sentencing principles for the evaluation of offences against birds, and in particular the illegal killing, trapping and trade of wild birds




(Virtual meeting) 9-11 June 2021
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