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Agenda Item 2 - High-level Conference on the links between Human Rights and the Environment


Agenda Item 3 - Financing and strategic development of the Bern Convention

Agenda Item 3.1 - Inter-sessional working group on financing: membership, working methods and draft working documents

  • Mandate of the Inter-sessional working group on finances - T-PVS/Inf(2020)1
  • Proposal of financing the implementation of the work programme - T-PVS/Inf(2020)3

Agenda Item 3.2 - State of play of the voluntary contributions received in 2020

  • Follow up table of the voluntary contributions received

Agenda Item 4 - Implementation of the Programme of activities and budget for 2020

Agenda Item 4.1 - Expert meeting on the implementation of the Action Plan for the eradication of the Ruddy Duck in Europe

Agenda Item 4.2 - European Diploma for Protected Areas: results of the meeting of the Group of Specialists and planning of the appraisal visits in 2020

  • Draft Resolutions on the Renewal of the European Diploma - T-PVS/DE(2020)12 updated on 4 April
  • Report of the 2020 meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma - T-PVS/DE(2020)18 uploaded on 4 April
  • Vision: A prestigious community: holders of the European Diploma for Protected Areas - T-PVS/DE(2020)16

Agenda Item 4.6 - Reporting under Resolution No. 8 (2012) on conservation status of species and habitats: state of play of the assessment of the reports submitted

  • Draft summary of reporting under resolution no. 8 (2012)- first observations - T-PVS/PA(2020)01 uploaded on 3 April

Agenda Item 6 - Implementation of the Convention: Case-files

  • Summary of open and possible case files - T-PVS/Notes(2020)1
  • Summary of complaints on stand-by - T-PVS/Notes(2020)2
  • Summary of other complaints - T-PVS/Notes(2020)3
  • Register of Bern Convention's case-files - T-PVS/Inf(2020)2 uploaded on 3 April

Agenda Item 6.1 - Requests for clarification

Agenda Item 6.2 - On-the-spot appraisal visits

  • 6.2a - Visit to North Macedonia within the framework of the open case-file "2013/1: North Macedonia: Hydro power development within the territory of Mavrovo National Park" and 2 complaints on stand-by
    • Draft Terms of Reference - T-PVS/Files(2020)18
  • 6.2b - Visit to Bulgaria within the framework of the possible file "2001/4: Bulgaria: Motorway through the Kresna Gorge"
    • Draft Terms of Reference - T-PVS/Files(2020)1

Agenda Item 6.3 - Open files

  • 2004/2: Wind farms in Balchik and Kaliakra - Via Pontica (Bulgaria)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)6 uploaded on 11 March
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
  • 2012/9: Presumed degradation of nesting beaches in Fethiye and Patara SPAs (Turkey)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)17 uploaded on 11 March
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
  • 2016/5: Presumed negative impact of hydro-power plant development on the Vjosa river (Albania)
  • 2016/4: Development of a commercial project in Skadar Lake National Park and candidate Emerald site (Montenegro)

Agenda Item 6.4 - Possible files

  • 1986/8: Recommendation No.9 (1987) on the protection of Caretta Caretta in Laganas bay, Zakynthos (Greece)

Agenda Item 6.5 - Complaints on stand-by

  • 2014/3: Presumed deliberate killing of birds & 2016/3: Alleged deliberate killing of birds of prey (Serbia)
  • 2014/8: Presumed large-scale exploitation and marketing of protected marine shelled molluscs (Greece)
  • 2016/9: Possible threat to "Svaneti 1" Candidate Emerald Site (GE0000012) from Nenskra Hydro Power Plant development (Georgia)
  • 2017/6: Possible negative impact on Breiðafjörður Nature Reserve’s authentic birch woods from new road infrastructure (Iceland)
  • 2018/2: Presumed threat to Emerald site “Black Sea Biosphere Reserve” (UA0000017) from military trainings (Ukraine)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)2 uploaded on 11 March

Agenda Item 6.6 - Other complaints

  • 2018/5: Ukraine: Alleged threats to the Emerald Network sites Skhidnyi Svydovets, Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory and Carpathian biosphere Reserve
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
  • 2018/6: Presumed threats to Emerald Network sites Olmanskiye bolota (BY0000012) and Topila Bog (BY0000083) (Belarus)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)16 uploaded on 11 March
  • 2019/1: Possible negative effects of hydrocarbons extraction in four Emerald sites in Donetsk-Kharkiv region (Ukraine)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
  • 2019/2: Presumed threat to Emerald site Zatoky (UA0000214) from windfarm developments (Ukraine)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX 
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)3 uploaded on 11 March
  • 2019/3: Presumed threats to Emerald site Cholhynskyi (UA0000178) from windfarm developments (Ukraine)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
  • 2019/4: United Kingdom: Badger Culling Policy in England (United Kingdom)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)22 uploaded on 16 March
  • 2019/5: Habitat destruction in Mersin Anamur Beach (Turkey)
  • 2019/6:  Border fence construction between Denmark and Germany (Denmark)
  • 2019/7: Alleged negative impact from the construction of Ilisu Dam HPP (Turkey)
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)25 uploaded on 11 March
  • 2019/8: Lack of appropriate legal protection of Fungi species (Belgium)

Agenda Item 7 - Follow-up of previous recommendations and case-files

Agenda Item 8 - Any Other Business

(Virtual meeting) 7-8 April 2020
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