Vous découvrirez ci-dessous comment les écoles de toute l'Europe travaillent sur les  six thèmes du projet à travers le prisme du Cadre de référence des compétences pour une culture de la démocratie.

Au printemps 2018, à l'occasion de la phase de pré-lancement du Projet, 2 324 écoles ont participé à l'enquête en ligne Des écoles démocratiques pour tous. Vous trouverez plus d'information concernant cette enquête ici.

Retour ISIS Carducci Volta Pacinotti

Address: Via della Pace, 27/29 57025 Piombino (LI)

Country: Italy

 School website

Project: Resilience and lifestyles


Working language during the project: 

  • Italian

Themes of the Council of Europe campaign “FREE to SPEAK, SAFE to LEARN - Democratic Schools for All” covered:

  • Making children’s and students’ voices heard
  • Improving well-being at school


Competences from the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (CDC) addressed and where / how they were integrated:

  • Knowledge and critical understanding of the world: politics, law, human rights, culture, cultures, religions, history, media, economies, environment, sustainability
    Pointing out the choices of the past that influenced the present and future lifestyles
  • Openness to cultural otherness and to other beliefs, world views and practices
    Through an outdoor training where students had the chance to express themselves freely

Target group age range:

  • 15-19

Level of education:

  • Upper secondary education

Short description of the project: 

In the resilience project, we organised two outdoor trainings: the first regarding a historical subject and the second regarding an environmental subject.Both have led to a photovoice work. The historical project had the aim of approaching history in an unusual way, doing field research in the Roman Villa in Riotorto using drones and cameras. To conclude this project, our students staged a play dressed up as Romans. We wanted to promote cooperation among students and the inclusion of students with special needs and above all to catch students’ interest to prevent early school-leaving. The second project had the aim of highlighting the local and global environmental issue. We pointed out in particular the pollution caused by choices of the past in the Monte Amiata area and in Piombino. During the outdoor activity we visited both the industrial area in Monte Amiata and the high school laboratory of Abbadia San Salvatore. With this kind of activity we succeeded in breaking the schemes of the learning process, leaving the students the possibility to express themselves through recreational activities.

Both our school, ITI Pacinotti in Piombino and ITI Avogadro in Abbadia S.S., were set up to answer the need of specialised technicians to be employed in local industry.



  • To teach students how to face difficulties and transform environmental and social issues into opportunities instead of accepting the social and economic contextwith a passive attitude.


Expected results/outcomes

  • Students’ awareness of their life skills.



  • Changes will take place step by step in the future.


Challenges you faced

  • None


Time-frame of the project:

  • 3 years


Council of Europe materials on citizenship and human rights education used while preparing or implementing your practice:


Filtrer par
Tranche d'âge
11 - 15
15 - 19
5 - 11
Thèmes du projet
Traiter des questions controversées
Faire face à la propagande, à la désinformation et aux fausses nouvelles
Améliorer le bien-être à l'école
Faire entendre la voix des enfants et des élèves
Prévenir la violence et l'intimidation
Lutter contre la discrimination
Capacités d’analyse et de réflexion critique
Apprentissage en autonomie
Esprit civique
Résolution de conflits
Souplesse et adaptabilité
Connaissance et compréhension critique de la langue et de la communication
Connaissance et compréhension critique de soi
Connaissance et compréhension critique du monde(notamment de la politique, du droit, des droits de l’homme, de la culture, des cultures, des religions, de l’histoire, des médias, de l’économie, de l’environnement et du développement durable)
Aptitudes linguistiques, communicatives et plurilingues
Ouverture à l’altérité culturelle et aux convictions, aux visions du mondeet aux pratiques différentes
Sentiment d’efficacité personnelle
Écoute et observation
Tolérance de l’ambiguïté
Valorisation de la diversité culturelle
Valorisation de la démocratie, de la justice, de l’équité, de l’égalité etde l’État de droit
Valorisation de la dignité humaine et des droits de l’homme
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
Royaume Uni
Niveaux d'éducation
Enseignement secondaire (collège)
Enseignement primaire
Enseignement secondaire (lycée)
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