Retour European Label of Governance Excellence: Slovakia Award Ceremony

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European Label of Governance Excellence: Slovakia Award Ceremony

Ever since the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance first piloted the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) over 10 years ago, this innovative tool has been steadily gaining interest throughout Europe. In parallel to citizens' opinion polls, the participating municipalities conduct self-evaluations on their performance against a national benchmark based on the 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance. This capacity-building exercise is designed to raise awareness of good governance, to acknowledge the good work of the best performing municipalities, and to provide them with a learning opportunity for improvement in specific areas.

Slovakia is among the countries that most recently joined the implementation of ELoGE. In the second half of 2020, all performance evaluations were conducted and five of the participating municipalities that have demonstrated their respect of the 12 Principles will become the first recipients of the Label in Slovakia, symbolised by a crystal dodecahedron.

This activity is being implemented as a part of the CoE – EU joint project Delivering Good Governance in Slovakia.

online 28 January 2021
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