There have been some profound changes and significant developments in Albanian public administration over the course of this 10-year, three-phase project cycle. The first phase of the project was launched at the end of 2009 and the current phase will end in July 2019. The meeting in Tirana on 28 February 2019 was an opportunity to take stock of current activities and reflect on the full scale of project activities. Excellent partnerships have been developed over the years and the project has contributed to some important achievements:
- Capacity building at the Department of Public Administration, Albanian School of Public Administration and in Albanian municipalities has helped contribute to the professionalisation of public administration;
- The Consultative Council is seen as an exemplary model for dialogue between central and local authorities and is a genuinely successful output;
- The electronic platfor for public administration (E-PAV) helped contribute to the smooth application of the territorial administrative reform and has been an extremely useful tool in coordinating training across public administration;
- The Public Administration Portal (currently in the final phases of development) will facilitate greater harmonisation of HRM processes and serve as an interface between government at all levels;
- Albania’s engagement in the work of the CoE’s intergovernmental committee, the CDDG, led to a constructive peer review report and offered the platform for Ministers Harito and Cuci to disseminate Albanian good practice to representatives of all CoE member states.
Steering Committee members were greatly appreciative of Council of Europe support to territorial and public administration reforms in Albania over these past 10 years. Beneficiaries would welcome further support to further reinforce these reforms and anchor good governance practices throughout public administration in Albania. A final project conference to launch the Public Administration Portal and celebrate project achievements will be held on 26 April in Tirana, Albania.