Projets spécifiques en Bulgarie

Developing fiscal decentralisation and improving local financial management in Bulgaria

 What is the goal?

The project aims to support increasing financial autonomy of Bulgarian municipalities in line with good European practice and standards by assisting the Bulgarian authorities to:

  • Improve the legal, financial, and strategic framework for fiscal decentralisation and increase the level of own revenues of municipalities;
  • Develop the competences of local officials to apply relevant benchmarks and measure performance.


 Who benefits from the project? 

  • Public authorities such as the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works; Ministry of Finance;
  • Bulgarian municipalities, their staff and institutional structures;
  • Partners and other stakeholders: Council for Decentralisation of State Governance of the Council of Ministers; National Platform of Partners for Good Democratic Governance at Local Level;
  • Relevant organisations or institutions in Bulgaria that have particular expertise and experience in the topics of the project and access to a relevant network of national experts;
  • Bulgarian citizens and society at large.


 How did the project work?

  • Through regular exchanges and close coordination with central and local authorities, as well as the civil society to identify practical challenges and develop tailor-made solutions;
  • Intergovernmental cooperation through a peer review involving experts and peers from Armenia, Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania
  • International support in developing legislative and policy advice with public consultations
  • By developing tailored training curricula (based on the Training Needs Analysis) designed to respond to the needs of local authorities and contribute to developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions at local level
  • Through trainings to increase the capacity of local officials in financial management, with a focus on Local Financial benchmarking and Participatory Budgeting.


 Budget and duration

  • This project is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission.
  • The total budget of the project is 611 112 EUR
  • The project ran from 15 June 2022 to 30 June 2024


More information about the cooperation between EU/EC DG REFORM and the Council of Europe is available from the Directorate of Programme Co-ordination.

Project results 

Additional ressources


Retour Conférence sur la bonne gouvernance au niveau local

Conférence sur la bonne gouvernance au niveau local

La Conférence européenne sur la bonne gouvernance au niveau local se tiendra à Sofia le 31 mars 2016 dans le cadre de la présidence bulgare du Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe.

Cet événement présente une excellente opportunité d’échanger des connaissances, de bonnes pratiques et des expériences sur les questions liées à la bonne gouvernance, ainsi que de faire le bilan des outils du Conseil de l’Europe dans ce domaine.

La Conférence, organisée par le Ministère bulgare du Développement régional et des Travaux publics en collaboration avec le Comité européen sur la démocratie et la gouvernance (CDDG), se concentrera sur la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie pour l’innovation et la bonne gouvernance au niveau local (notamment en Bulgarie et en Norvège) ainsi que sur des présentations et échanges autour de trois des douze Principes de bonne gouvernance démocratique: efficacité, comportement éthique et ouverture et transparence.

Les conclusions de la conférence seront examinées par le CDDG en vue de développer de nouvelles activités.  

Sofia, Bulgarie 31 mars 2016
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Testimonials by project partners:

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Work, the National Association of Municipalities, Citizen Participation Forum and Foundation for Local Government Reform

English video (produced by AvoPictures)


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Bulgarian video (produced by AvoPictures)


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