
Atelier de reporting concernant l’Analyse Comparative des Finances Locales (phase III) et la base de données LFD & I, Géorgie

28 novembre 2017 Tbilissi, Géorgie

Le Centre d'Expertise sur la réforme de l'administration locale (la division Bonne Gouvernance - DG-II) a lancé l'activité LFB en Géorgie en 2015. En conséquence, la boîte à outils du Conseil de l'Europe a été adaptée aux besoins locaux en 2016 et deux phases de pilotage ont suivi en 2016-2017...

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Analyse comparative des finances locales (LFB) en Géorgie

6 avril 2017 Tbilissi, Géorgie

A reporting workshop on the application of the Council of Europe (CoE) Local Finance Benchmark (LFB) toolkit adjusted to local needs was organized in co-operation with the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure (MRDI) of Georgia on 6th of April 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The event...

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Review meetings on Local finance benchmark and Inter-municipal cooperation in Georgia

27-29 September 2016 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform had a number of meetings with the the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, local authorities and experts to impulse identification of the areas and communities for IMC pilots. A field visit to Gori, Shida Kartli region, was...

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Regional conference on Local finance benchmark and inter-municipal cooperation in EaP countries

7-8 July 2016 Batumi, Georgia

The Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform organised a regional Conference "Towards a more efficient local government in eastern partnership countries: new ways and tools sharing the experience" on 7-8 of July 2016. Main objective of the Conference was to discuss the practical patterns...

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Tables rondes sur l'indice de référence des finances locales et sur la coopération inter-municipale en Géorgie

18-20 mai 2016 Tbilissi, Géorgie

The Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform organised a workshop on Adaptation and pilot of Local Finance Benchmark in Georgia on 18-19 of May and a Round table on Implementing inter-municipal cooperation in Georgia on 20 May 2016 in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development...

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Mrs. Natalia Kakabadze

