About the activity

The Policy Advice on the Improvement of the Fiscal Monitoring System of Local Government was carried out in Greece by the Centre of Expertise with the support of the Institute of Local Administration.

This study identifies areas for improvement and proposes possible policy actions to the Hellenic Ministry of Interior which could simplify and streamline the current fiscal supervision system, where appropriate.



The legal review was enriched by in-depth interviews with Greek stakeholders who shared their experiences and main challenges faced in the practical application of legal requirements.

The report provides an overview of the fiscal monitor system currently in place in Greece, including procedures, key players and main features of the following three dimensions related to fiscal monitoring:

  • budget development and approval;
  • budget follow up; and
  • every-day operations (in relation to fiscal monitoring).



Interviewees shared their wealth of knowledge and experience with enthusiasm, feeding the Council of Europe Expert with precious information during and after the interviews.

The Centre of Expertise would like to thank all parties involved in the activity for their fundamental contribution to this extensive analysis.


Project team Council of Europe Experts

Ms. Claudia Piferi, Project Officer

Ms. Katerina Chatzipetrou, Project Assistant

Ms. Sandra Cohen
