30 sept. 2019 04 oct. 2019

Semaine de l'Administration de la justice

Information sur l'événement

This year, the Administration of Justice Week organized in collaboration between the courts of first and second instance and the Supreme Court will take place already for the seventh year in a row. It is a campaign week directed at a wider audience, during which we hope to bring the seemingly gloomy court system and the administration of justice closer to the people.

We aim to address the image of the court as the punisher in the Administration of Justice Week this year. In addition to various events—legal aid, panel discussions with the elderly, movie nights with panel discussions, excursions for the youngsters to court houses, etc.—our wish is to present our judges, who would discuss the administration of justice with their own faces and names.

 All over Estonia

  • Schools visit courthouses 
  • Video clips with judges

The idea is to record short video clips, where a judge would talk with their own face and name about a myth/attitude in connection with the court based upon their own experience, speaking humanely and making generalisations. In the clips, we focus on civil proceeding as the most common type of procedure, which can be faced at the highest probability. Furthermore, the perception of civil matters poses the biggest problem so far, and therefore, it is especially vital to let the people know that the court indeed helps a person in such matters. Prejudices are easy to occur—such as why should I turn to the court, they won’t hear me out anyway, etc. The point of the messages and the explanations is to convey a possible solution or the essence of a solution of a problem in a simple and positive manner.

For instance: “I will sue you — it’s the worst thing to wish upon one’s enemy?”

Three clips/stories and three persons are planned in total. Right now, there are agreements with Kaupo Paal and Andrus Miilaste.

  • Announcement of case competition
    The case competition will focus on the constitution. Ivo Pilving is the spokesman and the chairman of the jury.
  • Legal aid
    Eesti Õigusbüroo provides it and we promote it; collaboration with the Ministry of Justice.
  • Open recording of “Night University”
    Approval given by Heili Sepp. Exact topic and time to be confirmed.

 Elektriteater in Tartu and at Kino Sõprus in Tallinn

  • Movie nights with panel discussions 

“RBG” (2018), Julie Cohen, Betsy West.

 02.10 at Sõprus at 21:00
 03.10 at Elektriteater at 19:00



“Judge” (2019), Andres Puustusmaa

 04.10 at Elektriteater at 19:00








“A Separation” (2012), Asghar Farhadi

 30.09 at Sõprus at 17:30






  • Justice-themed city excursion (1.5 h), Prof. Marju Luts-Sootak
     30.09 at 17:30
  • Presentation of the book “Eesti õiguse 100 aastat” (“100 Years of Estonian Justice”)
     04.10 at 16:00, Tartu Town Hall, Prof. Marju Luts-Sootak and Hesi Siimets-Gross
    moderated by the Mayor of Tartu, Urmas Klaas; snacks, etc. are provided by the marketing team of Postimees.
  • Career fair “Open Mic”
     04.10 - Conference: “Court — Punisher or Protector of Legal Order”'
    The courts have 15 minutes on the stage of the conference hall to introduce themselves to the students in an appealing way. Astrid Asi and Villu Kõve have agreed to participate. The draft working title of the performance of the courts is the following: “Court — Punisher or Protector of Legal Order”.