Ex-République Yougoslave de Macédoine

25 octobre 2010

(Contribution originale en anglais)


I. Organization of one-day workshop by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia on the subject: “Results of the undertaken reform activities in the area of efficiency of justice and presenting of the project on codification of civil law”

Organizer: Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia in cooperation with the Academy for training of judges and public prosecutors
Venue: Great Hall of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia or the Hall in the Academy for training of judges and public prosecutors
Date: 25.10.2010
Participants: Ministry of Justice, representatives from all courts in the Republic of Macedonia, Judicial Council, the State attorney, Bar Association, the Chamber of Enforcement Agents, the Chamber of Mediators, the Notary Chamber, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts

II. Giving legal advice by representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Bar Association, the Chamber of Enforcement Agents, the Notary Chamber in the van for free legal aid

Organizer: Ministry of Justice in cooperation with the Bar Association, the Chamber of Enforcement Agents, the Notary Chamber and the Chamber of Mediators
Date: 25th and 26th October, 2010
Visit of the following towns: on 25.10.2010 in ________________ (to be confirmed the place that will be visited), on 26.10.2010 in ________________(to be confirmed the place that will be visited)

III. Organized simulated trial in the Academy for training of judges and public prosecutors

Organizer: the Academy for training of judges and public prosecutors
Date: 25th October, 2010
Location of event: Basic Court Skopje 1

IV. In all Basic courts, Administrative Court and Appellate Courts in the Republic of Macedonia, the 25th October, 2010 will be an open day for the citizens.

Every Basic court, Administrative Court and Appellate Courts will independently organize the celebration of the EUROPEAN DAY OF CIVIL JUSTICE. In the local media the presidents of the Basic courts, Administrative Court and Appellate Courts will announce the activities and will introduce the citizens with them. At the same time, in the towns where there are faculties of law, the presidents of the courts will contact the deans and on the 25th October, 2010, will invite students to attend the hearings in the courts. In the places without law faculties, the presidents of the courts will contact the directors of the secondary schools and the courts will organize lectures in order to bring closer the activities of the court to the students in the secondary schools.
Organizer: Basic courts, Administrative Court and Appellate Courts
Date: 25th October, 2010
Location of event: Basic court, Administrative Court and Appellate Courts

V. Interview of the Minister of Justice on one national television where he will present the activities in relation to the celebration of the EUROPEAN DAY OF CIVIL JUSTICE, as well as the activities of the Ministry of Justice in the direction of increasing the efficiency of the judiciary.

Organizer: Ministry of Justice
Date: 24th October, 2010 (Sunday)
Location of event: national television (it will be additionally determined)

VI. Placing booths of the Ministry of Justice on “Macedonia” Street and in front of the Ministry of Justice where information regarding the using of the free legal advice and flyers and newsletters will be distributed.

Organizer: Ministry of Justice
Date: 25th October, 2010
Location of event: “Macedonia” Street and in front of the Ministry of Justice