
25 October 2012

Celebration of the European Day of Civil Justice on the theme "Mediation - an easy way to agree"

Main event of the European Day of Civil Justice, in presence of the Minister of Justice of Lithuania, Mr Remigijus Šimašius and the representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

Before the event:

  • An information campaign, which started in April, through the organisation of meetings with law students in different Lithuanian universities
  • Launching of a competition of short films

During the European Day for Civil Justice, several events are foreseen:

  • Conference, during which famous lecturers from abroad and Lithuania will present actual topics on mediation in Europe, as well as share the best practices.
  • Presentation of the best student these on mediation in the framework of the competition organised by the National Courts Administration
  • Review of short films on mediation and announcement of the best authors of short films on mediation
  • Cyrstal Scales of Justice Prize awarding ceremony