La Roumanie et le Conseil de l'Europe. Transposer les droits de l'homme de la table de conférence à celle de votre cuisine.

Le Conseil de l'Europe travaille pour vous. Nous souhaitons conférer davantage de visibilité au rôle, aux normes et aux activités du Conseil de l'Europe dans ses États membres afin de montrer comment l’adhésion au Conseil de l’Europe a contribué à réaliser des objectifs ou des changements particuliers. Notre but est de souligner, grâce à un éventail d’événements et d’initiatives, comment l’action du Conseil de l'Europe a contribué à améliorer la vie des personnes et leur jouissance des droits fondamentaux.


Amb. Dr. Ion I. Jinga, Reprezentant Permanent al României la Consiliul Europei


Qu’il s’agisse de l’impact de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme au plan national ou des activités du Conseil de l'Europe dans de nombreux domaines, comme l’abolition de la peine de mort, la garantie de la liberté d'expression et de la liberté des médias, ou la lutte contre la violence en ligne et la violence contre les femmes favorisée par la technologie par le biais de la Convention d’Istanbul et de la Convention de Budapest sur la Cybercriminalité, le Conseil de l'Europe a de nombreuses réussites à son actif depuis 1949. Voir les réalisations


25-27 February 2025

  • In his article ‘The Ocean and Human Rights’ published in Umbrela Strategică,, and The America Times, H.E. Dr Ion I. Jinga, Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe highlights the critical role of oceans in sustaining life and the urgent need to address marine pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change. He underscores the fact that international cooperation, as seen in agreements like the UN's High Seas Treaty and Council of Europe standards, is essential for ocean conservation. With the upcoming 2025 UN Ocean Conference in Nice in view, Jinga advocates for a human rights-based approach to environmental protection, urging multilateral action and global partnerships.

21-23  January 2025

  • Learning from History - The Union of the Romanian Principalities: An opinion article about how Romania´s history, geography, culture, traditions, values and aspirations through the Union of 1859 has been the beginning of an extraordinary process of modernisation and reforms of the country as a provider of regional and global stability, promoting respect for the rule of law and human rights, contributing to lasting peace solutions to conflicts. The article, written by Ambassador Dr Ion I. Jinga, Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe has been published on the European website EurActiv (21 January), the America Times (21 January) and in the online publication Umbrela Strategică (23 January).

26-30  November 2024

  • December as a Special Time:  An opinion article written by Ambassador Dr Ion I. Jinga, Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe, highlighting the special significance of 1 December 1918 when the modern Romanian State reached its natural borders. The article has been published on the European website EurActiv (30 November), the America Times (26 November) and in the online publication Umbrela Strategică (28 November).

3 November 2024

  • Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence and Real Life An opinion article on the threats and opportunities offered by advances in the field of artificial intelligence written by Ambassador Dr Ion I. Jinga, Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe and published on the European website EurActiv and the America Times.

11 September 2024

  • A Library against Oblivion: An opinion article written by Ambassador Dr Ion I. Jinga, Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe and published in the European website EurActiv and the America Times about the Romanian Library in Freiburg im Breisgau, an act of resistance through culture by a group of Romanian refugees against violation of democracy and human rights by the Communist regime.

26 June 2024

  • Great expectations: The Summit of the Future Ambassador Dr Ion I. Jinga, the Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe, has written an opinion article in which he makes the point that the 52 actions proposed in the draft United Nations' Pact for the Future are also priorities for the Council of Europe. The article, aimed at raising the Organisation’s visibility, appears both on the European website EurActiv and the American website the America Times.  Marile speranțe: Summit-ul Viitorului ( : Articol al ambasadorului Ion Jinga, șeful Reprezentanței Permanente a României pe lângă Consiliul Europei, preluat din The America Times.

8 March 2024

  • The Council of Europe at 75Ambassador Dr Ion I. Jinga, the Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe, has written an opinion article on the history and achievements of the Organisation, as it approaches its 75th anniversary on 5 May 2024.  The article, aimed at raising the Organisation’s visibility, appears both on the European website EurActiv, and the American website the America Times. It traces the major milestones in the Council of Europe’s history, from Churchill’s famous speech in Zurich in 1946 to the Reykjavik Summit in May 2023. "Consiliul Europei @75" - Un articol al ambasadorului Ion Jinga, șeful Reprezentanţei permanente a României pe lângă Consiliul Europei, trimis Umbrela Strategică.

28 September 2023

  • Romania at the Council of Europe: A 30-Year JourneyAmbassador Dr Ion I. Jinga, the Permanent Representative of Romania to the Council of Europe, has written an opinion article on the Romanian website of EurActiv to mark the 30th anniversary of Romania’s accession to the CoE. Romania joined the Council of Europe on 7 October 1993.

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