Projects in Bulgaria
Project Developing fiscal decentralisation and improving local financial management in Bulgaria
(15 June 2022 - 30 June 2024)
The project aimed to support increasing financial autonomy of Bulgarian municipalities in line with good European practice and standards by assisting the Bulgarian authorities to:
- Improve the legal, financial, and strategic framework for fiscal decentralisation and increase the level of own revenues of municipalities;
- Develop the competences of local officials to apply relevant benchmarks and measure performance.
This project was co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission.
Un projet en Bulgarie produit une feuille de route pour la réforme de la décentralisation fiscale
Testimonials by project partners:
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Work, the National Association of Municipalities, Citizen Participation Forum and Foundation for Local Government Reform.
English video (produced by AvoPictures)
Bulgarian video (produced by AvoPictures)
Contacter Marité MORAS
Cheffe du Centre d’expertise pour la gouvenance multiniveaux
Project Results
Comprehensive analysis of the existing legal, administrative and operational framework for municipalities
Technical report with a comprehensive analysis of the existing local, administrative and operational framework for municipalities
Peer review report
Following a peer review visit, peers and experts from Armenia, Finland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Romania drafted specific recommendations
Policy advice document
Policy advice document on fiscal autonomy and financial management of local administration in Bulgaria
Roadmap for reforms in Bulgaria
Sequenced roadmap to support the decentralisation reform process across all levels of government
Training needs analysis of local government in Bulgaria
Analysis of the training needs of local government in Bulgaria, based on surveys and interviews of 158 municipalities in Bulgaria
Training needs analysis of local government in Bulgaria
Training and capacity building curricula
Based on the result of the training needs analysis, a training curricula was compiled for Bulgarian local and government officials
Additional ressources
Basic principles of participatory budgeting
Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. By introducing participatory budgeting, local authorities nurture the principles of good governance, as defined by the Council of Europe, and thus deliver better services to their citizens. This document provides an overview of participatory Budgeting principles, processes and good practices.
The Local Finance Benchmarking
The Local Finance Benchmarking is a tool developed by the Centre of Expertise for multilevel Governance who serves as instrument to self-assess municipalities, identify strengths and shortcomings for municipalities financial processes. This tool was adapted to the Bulgarian realities and tested in Bulgarian municipalities. (BG)
Following capacity buildings
Following capacity buildings, training materials on financial management and participatory budgeting were compiled and are available in Bulgarian
Бенчмаркинг на местните финанси (Local Finance Benchmark) (BG)
Бюджетен процес (Budget process) (BG)
Въведение в бюджетирането с гражданско участие (Introduction to participatory budgeting) (BG)
Младежи (Young people in PB) (BG)
Примери от други страни (International examples of functional budgeting) (BG)
Принципи за добро управление (good governance principles) (BG)