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The Centre of Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe supported Slovakia in its plans to reform the local government system though the implementation of two projects, co-funded by the Council of Europe and DG REFORM of the European Commission. The projects aimed to provide recommendations for improving the Slovak regulatory framework and to strengthen capacities of public authorities to deliver high-quality services to the citizens, according to Council of Europe standards.

  • The first project,“Delivering Good Governance in Slovakia”  (July 2019- March 2021) focused on the provision of tailored policy advice on territorial consolidation and redistribution of competences between the central and local levels. In addition, several capacity-building tools were implemented to both help the authorities analyse their specific needs and improve their performance according to democratic governance standards.
  • The project Delivering Good Governance in Slovakia – II phase” (October 2020 - May 2023) built upon the achievement of the previous project to help the Slovak authorities modernise and improve multi-level governance in the country. The project provided policy advice on the revision and development of new legislation on the status of the Capital City, metropolitan areas, as well as on regional development. The project’s capacity-building component aimed at improving public ethics, financial management, strategic planning, and other important aspects of local governance.

Contacter Marité MORAS
Cheffe du Centre d’expertise pour la gouvenance multiniveaux

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Actualités des projets en République Slovaque