Retour 3rd Steering Group Meeting (25 June 2009, Tbilisi)

The 3rd GEPAC Steering Group Meeting (SG) took place at the Ministry of Justice in Tbilisi on 25 June 2009. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress made to date, to discuss the possibility of extending the project and the recruitment of a second national Long Term Advisor. As a result, the SG decided to extend the implementation period of the project until 31 March 2010. The Project workplan was revised and the calender of activities was updated. The SG also decided to proceed with the recruitment of a second national Long Term Advisor. The meeting brought together representatives of main partners institutions of the project (the Coordination Council for Fight against Corruption, the Minsitry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior), the Embassy of the Netherlands and the Council of Europe.

Strasbourg 29 June 2009
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