Retour A pool of anti-money laundering trainers created within the Moldovan Lawyers Training Centre

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

In collaboration with the Lawyers Training Centre of the Moldovan Bar Association, the CLEP Project organized a two-day training of trainers for lawyers on anti-money laundering (AML). The programme presented money laundering concepts, vulnerabilities specific to the Republic of Moldova, case studies and the reporting obligations. The CoE trainers led exercises on risk assessment, customer due diligence and suspicious transaction reports while the Financial Intelligence Unit of Moldova introduced the legislation and current practices. The activity created a pool of trainers (18 in total, 10 men and 8 women) who will carry out AML capacity building for legal professionals in the future, in Chisinau and in the regions.

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 4 - 5 June 2019
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