Retour Analysis and recommendations on FIFA transfer system

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In 2020, FIFA requested the Council of Europe to cooperate in drafting FIFA’s “Transfer System Reform”, on the basis of Council of Europe’s normative framework and the specific experience of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO).

Within the framework of this cooperation, the Secretariat of the Council of Europe has developed a technical paper which provides an analysis and specific recommendations on the transfer system reform. The paper recognises that the decision of FIFA to review and further develop the transfer system of football players in the world will undoubtedly and significantly improve the overall climate in the world football. The objectives pursued and the measures planned by the relevant FIFA Task Force will - once implemented – represent milestones in achieving comprehensiveness, transparency and integrity of the transfer system for football players. Normally, such comprehensive reforms are not easy to achieve since many very differing interests must be taken into account. As it is always the case with the introduction of significant and massive changes, some elements in the proposed changes might be further refined to ensure the comprehensiveness of the reforms and decrease the possibilities to be misused or not used in an optimal way.

The technical paper was prepared by Mr Drago Kos in the capacity of Council of Europe consultant. Mr Kos currently is the President of the OECD’s Anti-bribery Working Group in International Business Transactions, he is the former President of GRECO and was also an international football referee in the past. 

Strasbourg, France 07 June 2021
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