Retour Azerbaijani law enforcement and judiciary enhance their knowledge on latest confiscation mechanisms

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

A workshop on the latest mechanisms for confiscation of proceeds from crime was organised for 39 prosecutors, investigators, judges, financial intelligence and other law enforcement practitioners in Azerbaijan. The workshop aimed to reinforce their knowledge and skills on the types and techniques of confiscation as well as management of seized and confiscated assets. 

The workshop exposed participants to international best practices in the area of asset recovery. It allowed to discuss the introduction of illicit enrichment laws in several jurisdictions which facilitates the recovery of assets without the need for a person to have been convicted for a criminal offence. The newly introduced “Unexplained Wealth Order” modalities were also featured during the workshop. 
The national legislation was discussed during the workshop as well, with a view to analyse the possibilities it currently offers for confiscation and provide recommendations for the legislative introduction of new modalities that would enable a more effective and pro-active recovery of the proceeds of crime. 

Pre-seizure planning, preserving the value of seized and confiscated assets, and social re-use of confiscated assets, including for the incentivisation of law enforcement agencies and courts were addressed during the workshop, while featuring related advantages and risks of these practices as well. International cooperation mechanisms in the context of asset recovery were also discussed.   
Multiple case scenarios were examined by participants, allowing them to think through different stages of asset recovery, and helped demonstrate in practice the importance of having effective legislative and institutional frameworks in place for enhanced asset recovery.  

This workshop served as a capacity-building follow-up to the recent review of legislative amendments conducted by the project, in relation to the introduction of non-conviction based confiscation and parallel financial investigations in Azerbaijan. These initiatives were undertaken by the General Prosecutor’s Office in response to the recommendations on the national asset recovery framework provided by the project back in 2021. The level of engagement during these activities demonstrates the commitment of the government to enhance its efforts towards an effective asset recovery framework in Azerbaijan. 



"Our Department was recently established, and exploring best international practices in the area of asset recovery is essential for us. Through the workshop, we gained valuable insights that will enhance our efforts in tracing, freezing, seizure and confiscation of assets. The workshop was also timely and vital for us in the context of our ongoing legislative initiatives, which aim to introduce non-conviction based confiscation and parallel financial investigations. The project supported the review of these legislative amendments. I must say that this is one of the best workshops I have ever attended.” 
Closing remarks by Mr Vugar ALIYEV, Head of Department for the Coordination of Special Confiscation Issues, General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan 



This activity was organised within the framework of the project “Strengthening anti-money laundering and asset recovery in Azerbaijan”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II.

Baku, Azerbaijan 20-21 December 2022
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