Retour Composition and operation of the Superior Council of Prosecutors discussed at consultative meetings with justice sector institutions

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

On 11, 12 and 13 November 2020, the project “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova” facilitated expert meetings with the representatives of the justice sector institutions. The project, together with the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP), Ministry of Justice, General Prosecution Office and the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova discussed possible ways to strengthen the capacities and mandate of the Superior Council of Prosecutors.

All four working meetings helped the Council of Europe to identify the views and needs of Moldovan counterparts regarding possible ways to strengthen the independency, transparency and accountability of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) in line with GRECO 4th round evaluation and compliance report recommendations. The current composition of the SCP, selection procedure of prosecutors and lay-members, the length of mandate of SCP members, cooperation between the SCP specialized boards and publication of SCP decisions represent some of the topics covered during the evaluation. Following this assessment, the project will deliver recommendations for changes to the legislative framework governing the functioning and composition of the Superior Council of Prosecutors.

This activity was organized within the framework of the project “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova”, funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the US Department of State and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 11-13 November 2020
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