Retour Council of Europe online course “Introduction to corruption prevention” available for the public administration in Albania

Council of Europe online course “Introduction to corruption prevention” available for the public administration in Albania

Action against Economic Crime in Albania contributed to the Integrity Week organized by the Minister of State for Public Administration, by introducing the Council of Europe online course ‘Introduction to corruption prevention’ for the public administration in Albania. 

Earlier this year, the course was translated, updated with Albanian anti-corruption context, and already used to improve the capacities of 80 political advisers and anti-corruption coordinators in Albania. This interactive online course is designed to enhance awareness and strengthen capacities in understanding Council of Europe standards and domestic provisions related to corruption prevention. It covers key topics such as ethical standards, managing conflict of interest, post-employment rules, asset declaration, free access to information, protection of whistleblowers and other important mechanisms. 

Although originally intended for increasing capacities of a smaller target group such as of political advisers, within a year, this self-learning course has been transformed into a sustainable training tool for all public administration. High representatives of Public Administration Department and Albanian School of Public Administration having the ownership of this course highlighted that the importance in providing impactful and long-standing training methods that can be further used for various target groups based on institutional needs of Albanian authorities.
This activity was organized by the Action against Economic Crime in Albania, within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint Programme Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye (Horizontal Facility III).



Tirana, Albania 06 December 2024
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