Retour Director General of Human Rights and Rule of Law Christos Giakoumopoulos visits Tirana, Albania and attends the Council of Europe’s International Conference on “Transparency of Beneficial Ownership”

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Director General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) Mr Christos Giakoumopoulos is in Tirana, Albania from 29-30 October attending an International Conference on “Transparency of Beneficial Ownership” organised by the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD); and meeting with Albanian officials and international partners in Albania.

Director General met with the Prime minister of Albania, the Deputy Speaker of the Albanian Parliament, Minister of Justice and National Anti-corruption Coordinator, General Inspector of the High Inspectorate for Declaration of Assets and Conflict of interests, Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs, Public Administration and Human Rights, General Director for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Head of the School of Magistrates. Director Giakoumopoulos discussed the on-going cooperation between the CoE and Albania in supporting the implementation of priorities in their reform agenda such as the fight against corruption and money laundering, the justice reform, execution of ECtHR decisions, enhancing efficiency of justice and the penitentiary reform.

During these bilateral meetings, Director General stressed the need for further intensifying efforts aimed at addressing corruption at all levels and improving the Anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing framework. Furthermore, he confirmed the Council of Europe’s commitment in assisting Albanian authorities to meet their international obligations and encouraged them to keep the momentum and pursue with the deepening of the reform agenda. All Albanian stakeholders acknowledged the excellent cooperation with the Council of Europe and recognized its role in supporting and improving the ongoing reforms in an number of sectors (justice, economic crime and penitentiary) in Albania.

Tirana, Albania 29-30 October 2018
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