Retour Discussion on Macedonian whistleblowing legislation

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Macedonian whistleblowing legislation was subject to an in-depth discussion in order to strengthen its effectiveness through increased compliance with international standards. The activity was organised by the Action against economic crime through a video meeting that took place on the 31st of August 2020 with the participation of representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption and the Action’s Senior Project Officer. The technical paper produced under the Council of Europe/European Union Horizontal Facility II Action against Economic Crime in North Macedonia provided a sound basis for effective implementation of the EU Directive 2019/1937 standards and the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/REC (2014)7. The experts united around the majority of recommendations provided by the Action. An upcoming discussion of the working group responsible for amending the law on whistleblower protection will focus on clarifying the outstanding issues with the assistance of the Action in order to allow the draft legislation to be submitted for further adoption.

Video meeting 31 August 2020
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