Retour Jordan, Morocco, North Macedonia and Tunisia accede to the Šibenik Network of Corruption Prevention Agencies

Jordan, Morocco, North Macedonia and Tunisia accede to the Šibenik Network of Corruption Prevention Agencies

The 4th Meeting of the Council of Europe Šibenik Network of Corruption Prevention Agencies took place in Tunis with the support of the Council of Europe/European Union projects PAII-T (Project to Support Independent Institutions in Tunisia/Anti-corruption), SNAC-3 (South Neighbourhood Anti-Corruption Project), and HFII – AEC (Horizontal Facility II Action against Economic Crime). The meeting brought together representatives of the anti-corruption and prevention agencies from 15 countries, including Albania, Azerbaijan, Benin, Croatia, Estonia, France, Italy, Jordan, North Macedonia, Morocco, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia and Ukraine.

The meeting, which aims at enhancing cross-Mediterranean partnerships and exchange of good practices in the anti-corruption field saw the accession of Jordan, Morocco, North Macedonia and Tunisia to the Network, while the Tunisian Anti-corruption Authority (INLUCC) signed Memorandums of Understanding with its Moroccan and Jordanian counterparts.

The Network of Corruption Prevention Agencies was established in Šibenik (Croatia) with the support of the Council of Europe in October 2018 and strives to enhance international coordination of preventative measures in the fight against corruption and improve mechanisms to share good practices among corruption prevention bodies. The Network currently consists of 21 anti-corruption authorities, mostly from European countries, but also Benin and Ivory Coast and most recently the MENA region. It is supported by the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO).

The accession of anti-corruption authorities of Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia to the Šibenik Network marks the enhancement of collaboration opportunities in the anti-corruption field between state authorities in the MENA region and Council of Europe Member States by facilitating the exchange of anti-corruption good practices and establishing information exchange channels while also providing international exposure of anti-corruption agencies of the region. This development represents a hallmark of Council of Europe cooperation efforts in the MENA region since 2012.

Media coverage :

Tunis, Tunisia 17-18 October 2019
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