Retour Roundtable consultation on the draft Law on International Restrictive Measures in the Republic of Albania

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

On 22 February 2019, members of the Working Group on drafting the Law on “ International Restrictive Measures in the Republic of Albania” representing various institutions in Albania met in Tirana to discuss with the Council of Europe expert compatibility of the draft Law with European and international standards. This activity aimed at helping the authorities produce a consolidated draft law which will address weaknesses identified in the MONEYVAL’s 2018 Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) on Albania and, at the same time it raised awareness of participants on the international standards regarding countering proliferation financing. Following the roundtable discussion, the Working Group will amend the draft law by reflecting the recommendations provided by the Council of Europe expert and contributions of different institutions. This initiative constitutes one of the targeted measures adopted by the Albanian Coordination Committee for the Fight against Money Laundering on the implementation of MONEYVAL recommendations. Once adopted, the law will enable Albania to implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions relating to the prevention, suppression and disruption of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and it’s financing.

Tirana, Albania 22 February 2019
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