Retour Steering Committee of the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova discusses progress and next priorities

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova took place on 25 March 2021. The meeting brought together representatives of project beneficiary institutions, among which the Ministry of Justice, the Superior Council of Magistracy, the Superior Council of Prosecutors, General Prosecution Office, the National Integrity Authority, the National Institute of Justice, Transparency International – Moldova and the National Anticorruption Centre (as observer institution).

During the meeting, the project team presented the progress and results achieved during the last six months of project implementation. Among key achievements are the capacity building activities for the National Integrity Authority, assessments of the legislative framework governing the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Magistracy and of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, the mechanisms to verify the integrity of judges during selection and promotion procedures and the disciplinary liability of prosecutors. This was followed by a presentation of the project’s priorities and planned activities and a discussion with the participants on their specific needs and views. Dedicated workshops to discuss the recommendations resulting from the above mentioned assessments, capacity building activities for the judicial and prosecutorial inspections as well as the launch of a HELP course on Judicial Ethics for judges, prosecutors and lawyers were mentioned as project priorities for the upcoming months.

Discussions during the meeting also covered the need to agree on a roadmap for the implementation by the Moldovan authorities, of the advice and solutions provided by the Action to facilitate compliance with pending GRECO recommendations.

The Action is funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the US Department of State and implemented by the Council of Europe. It supports the authorities of the Republic of Moldova in preventing and combating corruption by enhancing capacities to implement the GRECO recommendations.

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 25 March 2021
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