Retour Study visit to Italy

Study visit to Italy

The PECK Project organized a three-day study visit to Rome, Italy, for a delegation of nine members of: the Kosovo* Anti-corruption Agency; Kosovo* Judicial Council; Ministry of Justice; Special Prosecutor’s Office; Kosovo* Prosecutorial Council; and Kosovo* Police. 
The main objective of the activity was to promote cooperation in the anti-corruption field between relevant agencies and enable participants to exchange experiences concerning legal, institutional and implementing aspects of the anti-corruption framework as seen as well from the Italian perspective. 
The study visit involved meeting sessions with the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority for Evaluation and Transparency of Public Administration (A.N.A.C.); Ministry of Justice; State Prosecutor’s Office; State Police (Central Directorate of Criminal Police; Central Anti-crime Directorate and National Anti-mafia Investigation Bureau); Arma dei Carabinieri and Garda de Finanza; who presented the activities and experience of their respective institutions in effectively fighting and preventing corruption.

The study visit was praised by the participants as a very useful opportunity to get first-hand information and examples from practice in preventing and fighting corruption and served for establishing and strengthening the already established contacts between institutions for any future mutual cooperation. 

Rome, Italy 16 July 2014
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*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.


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