Retour The competences of the National Integrity Authority and effectiveness of the integrity controls discussed with the authorities of the Republic of Moldova

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova presented the results of the assessment on the review of the national framework, procedures, organization and effectiveness of the National Integrity Authority (NIA) during an online round table on 29 June 2021. The event was attended by representatives of the NIA and its Integrity Council, the Ministry of Justice, development partners and civil society organizations.

In his opening speech, Mr Evgeni Evgeniev, Head of Unit, Economic Crime and Cooperation Division, Council of Europe, noted that NIA represents an important pillar in the anti-corruption organizational structure of the Republic of Moldova. The findings of the conducted assessment should be further used in view of identifying opportunities to reinforce its competences to fight and prevent corruption in the public sector and to ensure independent and effective integrity controls.

Ms Laura Hruby, US Embassy Charge D’Affaires, mentioned that the conducted assessment includes important recommendations for legislative amendments and changes in NIA’s internal practices that will advance long-pending GRECO recommendations and send a strong message about Moldova’s commitment to counter corruption. If successful, these efforts will reduce corruption and advance European integration.

The event facilitated an exchange of opinions between the national authorities and Council of Europe experts on possible mechanisms to further consolidate the national framework and existing practices on conducting integrity controls by the NIA in line with GRECO recommendations and international good practices. The discussions and recommendations presented during the event addressed the following subjects:

  • Challenges in the organizational structure of NIA and in the process of selection and operation of the integrity inspectors;
  • Legislative and regulatory challenges in performing controls by NIA in the field of asset declarations, conflicts of interest, incompatibilities, restrictions and limitations;
  • Practical solutions to improve the efficiency and quality of the integrity controls performed by NIA;
  • Ways forward to consolidate NIA’s effectiveness in line with GRECO recommendation and good practices.

In its Second Compliance Report of Fourth Evaluation Round on the Republic of Moldova, GRECO emphasized that appropriate measures should be put in place to ensure a significantly more independent and effective control, by the National Integrity Authority, of compliance by members of Parliament, judges and prosecutors with the rules on conflicts of interest, incompatibilities, statements of personal interests and statements of income and property.

Representatives of the NIA and Integrity Council highlighted that the assessment findings and recommendations will be useful for the national authorities in finalizing the amendments to the legislative framework on the mandate of NIA and asset declaration system which are currently under development.

This activity was organized within the framework of the project “Action against corruption in the Republic of Moldova”, funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the US Department of State and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 29 July 2021
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